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Individual Support

to Awaken your True (Wild) Nature, Heal your Relationships and Realise your Sacred Purpose 


A Personalised Program for Women

Embracing Femininity

Celebrate your Feminine Nature through Embodied Presence, Sacred Menstruality, Womb Healing


A Personalised Program for Women and Men

Into The Belly

Awaken the Magic of your True Nature with Shamanic Soul ReBirthing, Ancestral & Inner Child Healing

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Shamanic Healing & Ceremony

Energetic transmissions through guided visualisations

A form of shamanic journeying to help you connect more deeply with your Inner Wisdom, Spirit Guides & Ancestors for healing, guidance and empowerment.



An Andean energy re-alignment technique working with the four elements to purify and re-energise mind, body and spirit. 


Despacho Ceremony

Coming from the Andean Tradition, a Despacho Ceremony includes preparing a sacred offering (that typically includes flowers, seeds, food, etc) infused with prayers. Your Despacho offering also serves as a "container" of energy allowing you to release any heaviness that no longer serves you as well as add your requests to Spirit.

As such, it can be performed when you need any extra assistance in your healing journey as well as when you are looking for guidance or support to manifest.


Plant Medicine Ceremony (Cacao, Tobacco & Rose)

I have been given permission to offer these ceremonies from my indigenous teachers who initiated me in the Plant Medicine of Cacao, Tobacco (and Rose). 


Please contact me directly if you feel called to experience the medicine of these amazing Plant Spirits!



Postnatal Rebozo Ceremony

Cerrada: Closing of the Bones Ceremony


This indigenous ceremony comes from the Traditional Mexican Midwifery Practices and it is a wonderful way to support women who have given birth and celebrate your (new or most recent) transition to Motherhood.


Part of this ceremony includes washing your body with flowers, herbs and crystals to wash off any tiredness and other heavy emotional energy from the birth process. Your whole body is then wrapped tightly with long (rebozo) cloths to help the pelvic bones "close" by returning into their normal position. On the spiritual level, the body wrap also helps gather your "spirit" back to yourself after opening up your whole energy field for the arrival of the baby.


The Cerrada Ceremony has proven particularly beneficial for supporting new mothers to avoid postpartum depression by rebalancing the spiritual and emotional energy and helping the woman feel more grounded again in her body. You can still experience the benefits even if you receive the Cerrada Ceremony years after giving birth!


In a similar fashion, a Cerrada Ceremony is highly beneficial when moving through major life transitions and you want to gather all your energy back from the past and rebalance yourself in the new phase of your life.


Abdominal Massage

Chi Nei Tsang Massage


Chi Nei Tsang literally means the "Energy of the Vital Organs" and it is a blend of chinese and thai massage that works on the abdomen by stimulating the vital organs and helping to unwind any tensions and emotional blockages stored in the body. 


The main benefit of the Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage is that it helps restore the energy flow of the organs which in turn, rebalances body, mind and emotions. 

As such, it is particularly helpful if you currently experience a lot of stress, anxiety or emotional overwhelm leading to low energy, digestive issues, constipation and pains/ aches in the abdomen, sexual organs and back area. 


Soul Transformation with Crystals

Includes ancient protocols from the Jade Purity Lineage of the Daoist Tradition that work with particular energy points in the body that open the flow of consciousness with your Original (Source) Self to help you access your Soul Records, receive gifts from other lifetimes and support your Awakening in alignment with your Highest Destiny.


Some protocols go all the way down into the DNA level making it possible to release deeply ingrained and long-held issues that you have been carrying from your ancestry, as well as other blockages from your present, past and parallel lives.


Other protocols have proven particularly beneficial for clearing trauma and for those who have participated in ceremonial or energy work that has left them in a worse state than before...


Usuy Reiki for Pregnancy, Other Sessions & Attunements

Reiki for Pregnancy

Supporting you with the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your pregnancy so that you feel more at ease with your body and prepared for the arrival of the new baby in your life.


(General) Reiki sessions

Also offering Reiki sessions if you are not pregnant and you are simply looking for an energetic "top-up" to nourish yourself and rebalance your whole energy system by releasing any (hidden) tensions and excess emotions.


Usuy Reiki Attunements (Levels 1, 2 & 3)

These private Reiki Attunement classes teach you how to connect with the Universal Life Force for your personal healing as well as for healing others.


You learn the Reiki symbols that increase and direct the flow of the Universal Life Force Energy, how to send distant healing as well as how to attune others.


In addition you have the opportunity to learn about the Chakras and the whole energy system including how to remain grounded and with clear boundaries so that you avoid using your own energy to heal others (energy leakage).



Feminine Rites of Passage

Personalised ceremonies for yourself (and your teen daughters) to support you through the major transitions in a Woman's Life Cycle (ie Menarche, Motherhood, Menopause) and other significant life events.


Each ceremony starts with energy healing to clear any cords or attachments to the past as well as any fears or resistance to move forward into the new phase of your life. It is followed by prayer and ritual to celebrate your passage and connect with the Divine for guidance and support on your new path.​

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